
What do I need to pay attention to to participate in the operation of yttrium oxide?


How to protect during chemical operation? For example, in experiments on yttrium oxide, if skin contact: rinse with soap and water, if eye contact: rinse with water, if inhaled: move the patient to fresh air, perform artificial respiration, see a doctor, if ingested: give plenty of water to drink, induce vomiting and respiratory protection: use appropriate respirators. In addition, comprehensive protection is required. When entering the laboratory, you should wear chemical goggles and face mask, wear clean and intact protective equipment, and be equipped with emergency eye drops. Have regular eye and lung examinations. Because yttrium oxide is mainly used for manufacture of microwave with magnetic materials and military industry, with important material is used for optical glass, ceramic material additives, a giant TV screen, with high brightness phosphor and other tube coating. Also used in the manufacture of film capacitors and special refractories, and high pressure mercury lamp, laser, storage components such as bubble material sintering added as yttrium oxide can effectively reduce the grain size of tungsten alloy.

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