
Application of nanometer zirconia


Nano-zirconia powder has important application value in defense, electronics, high temperature structure and functional ceramics, especially in surface coating and other high-tech fields.

1, nano zirconia can be used in high strength, high toughness wear resistant products: mill lining, cutting tools, drawing die, hot extrusion die, nozzle, valve, ball, pump parts, a variety of sliding parts.

2. Functional ceramics, structural ceramics: electronic ceramics, bioceramics

3. Piezoelectric elements, oxygen sensitive resistors, large capacity capacitors;

4, artificial stones, grinding materials. Functional coating materials: added to the coating has anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial effect, improve wear resistance, fire resistance.

5. Nano zirconia can also be used as refractory materials: electronic ceramic support plate burning, molten glass, metallurgical metal refractory materials; Its application in the field of high technology is expanding day by day.

6. When the addition amount of silane modified nanoparticles is 3.0%, the flexural strength of nanocomposites can be improved.

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