
How should cerium oxide leakage be treated?


Today we're going to look at emergency preparedness, what can we do for the sake of personal safety and for the sake of business?

When a fire occurs, do not panic, remain calm, and avoid using direct running water to extinguish the fire. Call the police, and the reasons and the precautions, suggested that the emergency response personnel wear respirator with gas, anti-static clothing, wear oil resistant rubber gloves, and banned contact or across the leakage, to cut off the leak source as far as possible, to eliminate all the ignition source, and according to the influence of liquid, steam or dust diffusion zoning warning zone, irrelevant personnel from the lateral wind, the wind to evacuate to the safe zone. If a container in a fire has changed color or is emitting a sound from a safety relief device, people must evacuate immediately and isolate the scene of the incident so that no one is allowed to enter.

If it's a small leak, use sand, activated carbon, or other inert material to absorb it, collect it in an airtight container, and move it to a safe place. If it is a large leak, cover it with foam to inhibit evaporation, transfer it to tank trucks or special collectors with explosion-proof pumps, and recycle or transport it to waste disposal sites to avoid leakage into sewers, surface water and groundwater.

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