
The great role of cerium oxide in polished glass


Cerium oxide is a light yellow or yellowish brown powder, used as a glass industrial additive, as a plate glass grinding material, can also be used in cosmetics to play an anti-ultraviolet role, mainly used as a glass decolorizer, glass polishing powder, but also to prepare cerium metal raw materials, high purity cerium oxide is also used in the production of rare light materials. Insoluble in water, soluble in strong inorganic acid, can also be used as glass decolorization, clarification agent, polishing powder, also used in ceramic electrical, chemical and other industries. Cerium oxide polishing powder polishing lens, a minute to complete the work, such as iron oxide polishing powder needs 30 to 60 minutes. Therefore, it can be concluded that cerium oxide is more efficient. Therefore, rare earth polishing powder has the advantages of less dosage, fast polishing speed and high polishing efficiency. Cerium oxide can also play a role in changing the polishing quality and operating environment, generally rare earth glass polishing powder is mainly used to rich cerium oxide, cerium oxide is a very effective polishing compound, because it can be used to chemical decomposition and mechanical friction two forms of polishing glass at the same time. Therefore, cerium oxide rare earth cerium polishing powder is widely used in the polishing of cameras, camera lenses, television picture tubes, eyeglasses, etc. We zhuoqun nano new materials co., LTD., specializing in the production of cerium oxide, etc., if you still want to know more information, welcome to visit our website for contact!

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